Directory: Papal Maché
5 Fast! Popes Crack! Me! Up! [Updated 1/3] The Popeslayer: Back in Business! If Your Catholic Is Still Raving in Hysterics, You Didn't Bitchslap Him Hard Enough...Try Again Preserved Remains of Mother Teresa Stolen! Possibly Eaten! With Coffee! *Rubs Eyes* Catholics Admit Bible Isn't Entirely True & Then Condemn Fundamentalist Christians! *Pinches Self*

- After Years of Praying to 'Main God' Didn't Work, Man Hits Miracle Lotto Jackpot with 'Newman'!
- Benny's 07 Summer Vatica
tion Plans? Three Words: Wild On...Brazil! - Boxing? Sin
- Catholicism: Making It Up As They Go Along
- Catholic School Grrrs: 1a] Reason I Left O.C. #952 / 1b] Catholic School to Gay Parents: Stay Home, 2] Pope John Paul II Shoots, Scores, 3] Immaculate Confession, and 4] Mighty Christian of Them
- The Devil Made Me Laugh! [The 12 Priests / The Girl on a Cliff / Adventure Trip for Boys]
- Dinner Followed by Brutal Murder: Catholics Know How To Throw a Party!
- El Bib
- Exorcise & Eat Right: 1] Top 10 List: Lines from The Exorcist, 2] Jehovah's Witness Sues Over Haunted Kitchen After Refusing Catholic Exorcism on Religious Grounds, 3] The Power of Christ Compels You...To Pre-Register, 4] Exorcism: The Perfect Gift for the Rebellious Teen, 5] The Exorcism of Evan Rose, and 6] Yo Quiero Exorcismo!
- The Fauna, Skunk & Holy Goats: 1] Worms: 'Get Them Blessed & Get Them Out of There!' and 2] 'Ahhh...Ahhh....Achihuahua!' 'God Bless You!'
- From Papal Cocaine Wine to God Decaf to eCollection Plates: Milking the Divine Cash Cow
- 'God Dammit! This Red Sequin
DressCassock Is Too Short! *Shriek* And It Makes Me Look Fat! ...Posh Popes Prefer Prada... - Good Work, Boys!
- He's Got a Sick Sense of Humor
- If Your Catholic Is Still Raving in Hysterics, You Didn't Bitchslap Him Hard Enough...Try Again
- Intelligent Project: see Evolution vs. Magic [So Then the Vatican's All]
- Judas Priests: 1] Priest Murders Nun by Crucifixion, 2] Priest Kills Dog, 3] Another Catholic Arrested for Genocide, and 4] Judas Priest's 'At Least I'm Not a Fag'
- Let's See: No Job, No Money, No Home, Sleeping in the Yard & for 15 Years Now? If 'God Loves' Him Any More, He'll Be Giving Blowjobs for Heroin
- The Logan's Run Policy on the Elderly Looking Better & Better...
- Malachy Or Malarky? Pope Marks End of Days
- Miracle Whip
- My Bad!
- Nuntastic: 1] When Nuns Attack!, 2] Priest Murders Nun by Crucifixion, 3] Nun Flips Her Habit Over Da Vinci Heresy, 4] Nuns Gone Wild! - World Youth Day(Uncensored!), 5] 'What's Not Attractive? To Me It All Seemed So Glamorous! First of All, You Get an Outfit That's Fantastic!' - Julia Sweeney, on Nuns, 6] Preserved Remains of Mother Teresa Stolen! Possibly Eaten! With Coffee!, and 7] The Nun That Wouldn't Die!
- Pope Abhorrent Bobby IX
- Pope Buttermilk IV
- Pope Delivers the Bad News
- Pope: Heaven Kinda Blah
- Popes Crack! Me! Up! [updated 1/3]
- The Popeslayer: Back in Business!
- Religion Employs Mind Control Machines?! The Church Used Hitler To Kill Jews?! Hmm, Madman May Have Some Points...
- *Rubs Eyes* Catholics Admit Bible Isn't Entirely True & Then Condemn Fundamentalist Christians! *Pinches Self*
- 75 Ford Escort, Like New, 'Baby Jesus' Blue, Ashtray Never Used, Velvet Virgin Mary Seat Covers, White Beanie Included, $5 Million OBO
- XVIpc Papal McNuggets & a Small Riot Coke
- St. Gibmeahraag: Patron Saint of Erotic Body Oils?
- St. Thixotrop: Patron Saint of Menstruating Hemeophiliacs?
- Survey Says: American Idolotry Results Post: Atheist & Evangelist Make It to Semi-Finals!
- That Fake German Accent Totally Threw Them Off! I'm Brilliant! Auf Wiedersehen, Suckers!
- That's One Ugly-Ass Pope: 1] Of Course, Pope Terrifies Children (Have You Seen His Smile? Makes Me Shriek!), 2a] 'Santa Claus Is Comin' to Tow-*SHRIEK!*' / 2b] Merry Christmas...Or Else - (Next Heathen Says 'Happy Holidays,' Pope Carnivorous X Chews Off, Eats Nose), and 3] Popes Crack! Me! Up!
- Virgins Love Chicago
- Vs. Advertisers: 1a] I See Your Sheckle & Raise Your Dead / 1b] Then Jesus Threw Down His Cards & Grabbed the Wine: 'I Fold - Damn You, Judas!', 2] The PlayStation of the Christ, and 3] Ribbed for Her Pleasure, Backdoor-Friendly for Her Virginity
- Vs. Aliens: 1] I Can See It Now: Alien vs. Pope, Starring Bill Murray... and 2] 'After All, We Are All Made of Stars'
- Vs. Gay Marriage: see Gaytheism
- Vs. Gay Priests: 1a] Vatican Launches New Witch Hunt To Purify Clergy of Gays / 1b] Pope Bans Gay Priests / 1c] B-16's Gay Ban 'Inevitable' / 1d] Witch Hunt, 2005 / 1e] How Do You Prove Celibacy to Someone? Not Have Sex with Them? / 1f] The Ban Is Back On / 1g] 'And Stay Out!', 2] The Rumblin in Dublin! Bald Chick vs. Old Man in Dress, Round 2, 3] 'Fellate Me Father for I Have Sinned...', and 4] Meanwhile, Back at the Rectory...
- Vs. The Gays: 1] Reason I Left O.C. #952, 2] Catholic School to Gay Parents: Stay Home, 3] Cardinal Invents New Type of Atheism - Just Like That!, 4] Exhibit B: Set Yourselves on Fire & We Can Talk About 'Persecution', and 5] Takeback Mountain
- Vs. The Law: 1a] Boys Sue Pope, Challenge Church-As-State Immunity / 1b] Bush Grants Pope Criminal Immunity / 1c] Two Priests Elude Justice in Molestation Case: One Is Fugitive from Law, the Other Is Above It - He's Pope!, 2] Hiding Behind 'Patriotism,' Pouting Catholics Advocate Violating Law To Retain McCarthy Era Religious Pledge, and 3] Whodunit? Who Murdered the Money Man: The Mafia? The Vatican? Or Both?
- Vs. Primetime TV: 1] Like the Pope, Even I Can Be Cruel, 2a] Extreme Makeover: Rome Edition / 2b] The Pope Dies...Again / 2c] The Pope: Joey's Beeyatch, 3] Crybaby Catholic's Cartoon Complaint Quietly Canned, 4a] 'Oh My God! Sh-She Menstruated on Kenny!' 'You Bitch!' / 4b] The Pope: 'A Chick Bleeding Out Her Vagina Is No Miracle', 5] If Your Catholic Is Still Raving in Hysterics, You Didn't Bitchslap Him Hard Enough...Try Again, and 6] Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same
- Vs. Satanism: 1] So the Pope Says: Harry Potter? Evil and 2] Harry Potter's a Global Plot...To Corrupt Kids?! Hm? Noooo!backawayslowlyThat's Not Crazy at All!
- Vs. Secularism: 1] Pope B-16 Suffers from Crucifixation (Common Catholic Diversity Deficiency), 2] B16: Push Christianity on Secularist Society for Its Own Good, 3] Pope Confuses 'Belief' for 'Reality,' Pluralism for Catholicism & Democracy for Theocracy, 4] Oh, No He Didn't! Did That Old Man Just Call Me a Fool?, and 5] Wal-Mart Is 'Effectively Banning Christmas'?!? (P.S.: Catholics Need To Calm! Down!)
- Vs. Supervillians: 1] Truth, Justice & Chastity Pants!, 2] The Pope Rapes Nuns?! Totally True! Ish - Well, Not Really, and 3] Popes Crack! Me! Up!
- Vs. The Wind: 1] Mondays!, 2] Must...Concentrate..., and 3] Popes Crack! Me! Up!
- Whatever You Do, Don't Get Raped Near a Catholic Hospital...Get Raped Near a Real One
- 'What's Not Attractive? To Me It All Seemed So Glamorous! First of All, You Get an Outfit That's Fantastic!' - Julia Sweeney, on Nuns
- 'Whoah, Slow Down! Pope John Paul the Dead No Saint!': Catholic Theologians

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