Horus, Hawkish Egyptian God Found in Choco-
No, Wait - They Say It's Virgin Mary
Okie Dokie
But It's Not

A piece of chocolate, which some believe bears a resemblance to the Virgin Mary, is seen at Bodega Chocolates in Fountain Valley, Calif., Thursday, Aug 17, 2006. Workers at the luxury chocolate company discovered the 2-inch-tall column of chocolate drippings under one of their vats. (AP Photo/Nick Ut)
Actually, and I'm not alone in this, it looks more like the Maltese Falcon.
Okay, so I wonder whether the photog listed is THE Nick Ut. Is this the kind of assignment the poor guys gets nowadays???!!! A travesty, really, but I guess chocolate saints beat schrapnel any day. - Kathy in Kentucky
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