Directory: Bible Study
5 Fast!'You Got Your Islam in My Christianity!' 'You Got Your Christianity in My Islam!' (Oy Vey, Thinks Cthulu) Put Your Money Where Your Myth Is: Judge Orders Priest To Prove Jesus! Let's See: No Job, No Money, No Home, Sleeping in the Yard & for 15 Years Now? If 'God Loves' Him Any More, He'll Be Giving Blowjobs for Heroin Catholicism: Making It Up As They Go Along 'In da Begizzle, Was da Word!' - Bionic Bible? Niggapleez! Ebonic Bible, Fool! Izzle da Shit!

- 'After All, We Are All Made of Stars'
- As Defense Exhibit A: 1] Put Your Money Where Your Myth Is: Judge Orders Priest To Prove Jesus! and 2] There Goes My Hero...
- As Textbook: 1] US Funds Bible Class As 'School', 2a] UC Schools Sued for (Gasp) Not Accepting Mythology As Science / 2b] Why Not Go to Religious Colleges Then? You Chose Your Path; Don't Expect the World To Take It with You And Quit Whining!, 3] 'The Bible' Remixes [Bible Textbook Could Circumvent Culture War], and 4] Sounds Like a Fun, Normal, Well-Adjusted Kid...Right?
- Baby Dinosaurs Rode on Noah's Ark?! It's Official: I've Heard Everything
- Book of Mormon: Touching Hundreds of Lives & Thousands of Dollars
- Catholicism: Making It Up As They Go Along
- Church Newsletter [God Hates Shrimp]
- 'Daddy, Tell Us About the Impalings Again!'
- Genesis 2.0e: Adam Descended from Apes?
- The Holy Grail Held Mojitos?!
- If Your Dad Only Made You Take Out Trash & Mow Lawn, You're Lucky
- The Koran: 1] 'Praise Allah! Do It!' and 2] 'You Got Your Islam in My Christianity!' 'You Got Your Christianity in My Islam!' (Oy Vey, Thinks Cthulu)
- Let's See: No Job, No Money, No Home, Sleeping in the Yard & for 15 Years Now? If 'God Loves' Him Any More, He'll Be Giving Blowjobs for Heroin
- Malachy Or Malarky? Pope Marks End of Days
- Menstrual Magic, Spirit Airplanes, USA Worship, Prophetic Femurs & Leviticus: Say Hello to Cargo Cultism
- 9 out of 10! So Close! Dammit!
- Not Its Intended Use: 1] Giggling Ghost Girls? Spooky Bibles? Yes, Say Soldiers in New Orleans, 2] Biblical Family Values: Worst Case Scenario, and 3] 'B-But, My Boobs Spell Out "God"! See?!' 'Doesn't Matter. You're Still a Dork'
- Fred Phelps: see Hate Thy Neighbor
- Piece of Pottery Proves Existence of Giants? Hmm...That Sounds an Awful Lot Like 'Intelligent De-Science' to Me
- Quizzes: Which Seven Deadly Sin Are You?
- Religious Right May Cause Armageddon
- *Rubs Eyes* Catholics Admit Bible Isn't Entirely True & Then Condemn Fundamentalist Christians! *Pinches Self*
- Satan: Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride
- The Sky Is Falling!, Predicts Pat - Don't Be Silly, Says Science
- So It's All Judas's Fault!
- Survey Says: 1] Bible Shmible! Even Christians Don't Take It Seriously, 2] No Da Vinci Code: The Best-Selling Book No One Wants To Read, and 3] Who's Not Getting In? Sounds Like Heaven Needs a Doorman
- Ten Commandments: see Theocracy
- 2006 Forecast: Hurricanes, Armageddon & Brokeback Mountain
- Versions X.O: 1] 'The Bible' Remixes, 2] OMG! ROTF! JFC! Btw, God H8s Shrimp! BRB..., 3] The Bible, Rated NC-17, 4] El Bib, and 5] 'In da Begizzle, Was da Word!' - Bionic Bible? Niggapleez! Ebonic Bible, Fool! Izzle da Shit!
- What Happens When Creationism Embraces Darwin? Peace!? Possibly... An Old Idea Gets New Attention with Theistic Evolution
- 'What's Not Attractive? To Me It All Seemed So Glamorous! First of All, You Get an Outfit That's Fantastic!' - Julia Sweeney, on Nuns
- Who Did Cain Marry?
- Who Would Jesus Decapitate? 'Sick Sick Sick' Christians Protest Secularism of Christmas
- 'You Got Your Islam in My Christianity!' 'You Got Your Christianity in My Islam!' (Oy Vey, Thinks Cthulu)

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