Directory: Blasphemous Humor
'Ahhh...Ahhh....Achihuahua! ' 'God Bless You!' 'The Bible' Remixes [Read the Bible - In Limerick Form]'Christian Rock' Claims Another Victim Church Newsletter [God Hates Shrimp] Tom Cruise: 1 ] 'Oprah, I Love California! I Love It! I Love It! I Love It! I Love It! I Love It! I Love It! (Don't Interrupt.) I Love It! I I Love It!' , 2 ] 'Sure, I'm Nutty , But I'm Not Insane! ' , and 3 ] 'I Wish I Were a Large Asian Woman' 'Daddy, Tell Us About the Impalings Again!' Exterior Design The Fancy Fossils Fooled Us! Funny Pope Pix: 1 ] Like the Pope, Even I Can Be Cruel [The Mail Bag] , 2 ] Truth, Justice & Chastity Pants! , 3 ] Pope: Heaven Kinda Blah , 4 ] When Nuns Attack! , 5 ] Genesis 2.0e : Adam Descended from Apes? , 6 ] Pope Abhorrent Bobby IX , 7 ] Mondays! , 8 ] Must...Concentrate... , 9 ] Vatican Launches New Witch Hunt To Purify Clergy of Gays , and 10 ] Of Course , Pope Terrifies Children (Have You Seen His Smile? Makes Me Shriek!) Gambling Jesus: 1 ] I See Your Sheckle & Raise Your Dead and 2 ] Then Jesus Threw Down His Cards & Grabbed the Wine: 'I Fold - Damn You, Judas!' God Goes Gay! Smites Boy Scouts! ...God Just Rolls Over & Falls Asleep Hadji's Helpful Hindu Hint #31: Burning Brides a Real Treat, S'More or Less Hailing Satan: 1 ] Bush Hails Satan and 2 ] 'Mrs. White, May I Go to the BathroHAIL SATAN! ' Hello, God? It's Me, Darren... Hell Overcrowded I Can See It Now: Alien vs. Pope , Starring Bill Murray... I Have an Alibi 'I'm Too Drunk!' 'God Didn't Wake Me!' 'I Woke Up a Cockroach!' The Infiltrator: 1 ] 'I Wish I Were a Large Asian Woman' and 2 ] 'Wait - The Lord Called You Dude ?' Jerk Answers the Question of God: 'Life Is As Long As It Cruel' Jesus Fucking Christ! Jesus Is Magic Kabbalah Has Madonna. Scientology Has Tom. And Church of Nazarene? Not So Lucky... Let Him Who Is Without Genocidal Tendencies Cast the First Stone Newfangled Religions: 1 ] One Day, I Will Be Your God [Darrenism], 2 ] All Praise to Brad Pitt! [Fictionology], 3 ] Creationism's Blindspot: Other Intelligent Designers [Pastafarianism], and 4 ] David Beckham: the New Jesus Christ? Well, He Does Make Me Want To Get Down on My Knees... [Christian Beckhamology]9 out of 10! So Close! Dammit! 'No! We Don't Do Gay Bachelor Parties at Leather Bars Called Pig Pit! So Stop Calling Us! ' Offensive Religious Jokes Contest: 1 ] Why Did the Jews Wander in the Desert for 40 Years? and 2 ] The Devil Made Me Laugh! Osama's Valentine Wishes Parents Sue To Stop Intelligence Decline [Quiz]Passion of the Penguins : 'Ideal Example of Monogamy' Or 'Some Pretty Slutty Birds'? [Gay Penguin Script]The Power of Christ Compels You ...To Pre-RegisterPro-Abortion... Anti-Christ... Vampire Penis... Name That Religion! Reagan Deified & Mummified Santa: 1 ] *Sniff* Smell That? *Sniff* *Sniff* That's Christmas and 2 ] 'It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas... Saaaanta's Stiiinking Druuunk...' The Second Coming of Christ...By Flying Saucer? Separated at Birth Hatch? Today's Horoscope for Aries : You Will Be Slapped Down Like the Silly Little Bitch You Are!Top 10 Lists: Lines from The Exorcist 'We Put the More in Mormon!' or 'We're Osmondtastic!' or 'Utah: Where the Legal Drinking Age Is Never !' 'What's Not Attractive? To Me It All Seemed So Glamorous! First of All, You Get an Outfit That's Fantastic!' - Julia Sweeney, on Nuns White Bigot Fence Who Did Cain Marry? Why Do Objects Fall? God, That's Why - 'Intelligent Falling' Christians Attack 'Theory of Gravity' in Kansas Schools
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