Directory: Gaytheism
5 Fast! God Goes Gay! Smites Boy Scouts! 'I Baptise You in the Name of the Father, the Son & the Holy God I'm So Turned On Right Now!' Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same 'Tammy Faye Theater' Dinner & Movie: God Is My Co-Pilot So I Don't Need Your Tacky Damn Plane!: The Vicki O Story One Day, I Will Be Your God

- All Praise to Brad Pitt!
- And Then BAM! - Gay Sex: 1] Frozen Aliens, Wet Concrete, Thetans, Volcanoes, Cozy Gyms, Lord Xenu, Hydrogen Bombs & Nicole Kidman: Radar Exposes Tom Cruise & Scientology, 2] Passion of the Penguins: 'Ideal Example of Monogamy' Or 'Some Pretty Slutty Birds'?, 3] Orgasms...3x the Fun, 3x the Results, 3x the OMGs, 4] Woman Seeking Paradox: Craiglist's Closeted Queer Christian Conundrum, 5] 'Fellate Me Father for I Have Sinned...', 6] Immaculate Confession, 7] Meanwhile, Back at the Rectory..., 8] Cooking Oil, Sweaty Firemen & Tom Cruise, 9] Mistletoe: The Semen of Christmas?!, 10] Takeback Mountain, and 11] 'I Baptise You in the Name of the Father, the Son & the Holy God I'm So Turned On Right Now!'
- Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Liberties for Non-Christians
- Atheist? Single? Gay? Loving? Indiana?!? No Babies for You!
- 'At Least Being Gay Is Socially Acceptable'
- Bareback Mountain: 1] Takeback Mountain and 2] 2006 Forecast: Hurricanes, Armageddon & Brokeback Mountain
- The Bible, Rated NC-17
- Cardinal Invents New Type of Atheism - Just Like That!
- Tom Cruise - Like, Totally Straight: 1] Frozen Aliens, Wet Concrete, Thetans, Volcanoes, Cozy Gyms, Lord Xenu, Hydrogen Bombs & Nicole Kidman: Radar Exposes Tom Cruise & Scientology, 2] Tonight: Tom Cruise Is 'Trapped in the Closet', and 3] Cooking Oil, Sweaty Firemen & Tom Cruise
- Dajoro's Penis News Directory
- 'Don't Fergit: We Still Hate Them Fags!'
- Ex-Gay Ministries: 1] Shhhh! You Sound Like Monsters! The Key Is Trying To Appear Christian! Now Get Out There & Hate Those Fags!, 2] Case in Point: Bigotry Makes Telling Bedfellows..., and 3] Good News? Ex-Gay Ministry To Shut Down Bad News? For Unlicensed Care of 'Mentally Ill'
- Exhibit B: Set Yourselves on Fire & We Can Talk About 'Persecution'
- Exterior Design
- Father Fellatio? Brother Bareback? Meet Rabbi Rimming: 1] 'Fellate Me Father for I Have Sinned...', 2] Meanwhile, Back at the Rectory..., and 3] 'I Baptise You in the Name of the Father, the Son & the Holy God I'm So Turned On Right Now!'
- Fundamentalists: Shrek Evil
- Gay Marriage: 1] Church Newsletter [Pope: Fighting Gay Marriage Is a Priority], 2] Love Is Not an Ideological Evil - Asshole, 3] Benedict Starts Anti-Gay Papacy, 4] Separation of Church & State Alive in Spain, 5] 'Don't Fergit: We Still Hate Them Fags!', 6] Shhhh! You Sound Like Monsters! The Key Is Trying To Appear Christian! Now Get Out There & Hate Those Fags!, 7] B16: Push Christianity on Secularist Society for Its Own Good, 8] Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same, and 9] Dajoro's Politics Directory
- Gay Priests: see Papal Maché
- Gender Neutral: 1a] 'What the Hell is That?!, 2a] 'I Now Pronounce You Boy & Rock' / 2b] Reincarnated-Goddess-Crossdressing-Boy-Bride-of-Statue Suffers Post-Nuptual Depression, 3] 'God Dammit! This Red Sequin
DressCassock Is Too Short! *Shriek* And It Makes Me Look Fat!' ...Posh Popes Prefer Prada..., and 4] This Man Is: A] Crossdressing, Poorly B] A Reincarnated Goddess C] Nuttier Than a Tom Cruise Cashew Factory D] 'Dad?' E] A & C - 'God Dammit! This Red Sequin
DressCassock Is Too Short! *Shriek* And It Makes Me Look Fat!' ...Posh Popes Prefer Prada... - God Goes Gay! Smites Boy Scouts!
- God Hates Gays, Smites [Person or Place]! 1a] Katrina Sent To Smite the Sinful? / 1b] Sigh / 1c] GOP Senator: 'The Wages of Sin Is Death' / 1d] Hurricanes Are God's Wrath, Say Stupid & Poor, 2a] Fred Phelps: Satan's Favorite Christian / 2b] Is 'Faggyass' in the Bible? (Sigh) I Wouldn't Be Surprised..., and 3] Even Though They Caused 9-11 & Will Destroy America,
SodomitesGays Find Unexpected Jerry Falwell! - GOP Theocracy Facing Backlash?
- Gratuitous Use of Hotness: 1] Church Newsletter [Cruise Sends Becks Scientology Message], 2] One Day, I Will Be Your God, 3] All Praise to Brad Pitt!, 4] God Goes Gay! Smites Boy Scouts!, 5] David Beckham: The New Jesus Christ? Well, He Does Make Me Want To Get Down on My Knees..., 6] Takeback Mountain, 7] 'I Baptise You in the Name of the Father, the Son & the Holy God I'm So Turned On Right Now!', and 8] Dajoro's Eye Candy's Greatest Hits Vols. 1 & 2 Posts
- I Have an Alibi
- Immaculate Confession
- KKKristianity: 1] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate, 2] Case in Point: Bigotry Makes Telling Bedfellows..., and 3] Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same
- Let Them Secede
- Love! Her!: 1] Like the Pope, Even I Can Be Cruel [The Mail Bag] [Desperate Housewives], 2a] Slut + Kabbalah = Madonna? / 2b] Madonna Battles Tom Cruise for Oprah's Eternal Soul! / 2c] Madonna 'Brings Great Sin on Kabbalah,' Rabbis Fume / 2d] Earth to Esther: 'Get Over Yourself! You're Madonna!', and 3] The Rumblin in Dublin! Bald Chick vs. Old Man in Dress, Round 2 [Sinead O'Connor]
- Meanwhile, Back at the Rectory...
- Mistletoe: The Semen of Christmas?!
- 'No! We Don't Do Gay Bachelor Parties at Leather Bars Called Pig Pit! So Stop Calling Us!'
- One Day, I Will Be Your God
- Passion of the Penguins: 'Ideal Example of Monogamy' Or 'Some Pretty Slutty Birds'?
- Fred Phelps: see Hate Thy Neighbor
- Gene Robinson: 1] The Holy Grail Held Mojitos?! and 2] Fabupiscopal!
- School Detention: 1a] Reason I Left O.C. #952 / 1b] Catholic School to Gay Parents: Stay Home, 2] Baptist School Pulls Starbucks Cups Over Gay Author's Quote, 3] Christians Expel Cheerleader for Lesbian Moms, 4] Immaculate Confession, and 5] Who Would Jesus Expel?
- Shadowfoot's Geekology [Gay Geeks] Directory
- Shhhh! You Sound Like Monsters! The Key Is Trying To Appear Christian! Now Get Out There & Hate Those Fags!
- So God Hates Fags and Fag Lovers
- [Sprays Coffee on Monitor] Oh, You've Got To Be Kidding Me!
- Starbucks: 1] 'Starbucks Hates Children'? Umm...Okie Dokie..., 2] Baptist School Pulls Starbucks Cups Over Gay Author's Quote, and 3] Starbuckling to the Religious Right
- Survey Says: Orgasms...3x the Fun, 3x the Results, 3x the OMGs and 2] Um, Thanks?
- Tammy Faye Theater: 1] Today's 'Tammy Faye Theater' Double-Feature: Curse of the Filthy Negro with I Was a Middle-Aged XXXmas Ho and 2] 'Tammy Faye Theater' Dinner & Movie: God Is My Co-Pilot So I Don't Need Your Tacky Damn Plane!: The Vicki O Story
- Telemarketing: 1] Jimmy Swaggert: I'd Kill Gays, 2] Unquote: Pat Robertson, 3] Even Though They Caused 9-11 & Will Destroy America,
SodomitesGays Find Unexpected Jerry Falwell!, 4] Televangelists Turn Pro-Sleaze When Spotlights Threatened, and 5] see Hate Thy Neighbor - Um, God Can Keep the Vagina...But Thanks
- 'The View of Armageddon from Your New Loft Is Simply Divine!'
- What Would Jesus Boycott?
- When Discriminating & Rejecting - Do It with a Smile!
- Woman Seeking Paradox: Craiglist's Closeted Queer Christian Conundrum

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