Directory: Hate Thy Neighbor
5 Fast! Unquote: Pat Robertson Yes, There Really Are Monsters - Some Wear Hats...Some Wear Suits Fuck Hannukah: Christians Bully Stores into Pretending Jews, Hindus & All Non-Christians Simply Don't Exist Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same Dong the Dog Says: Just Say No to Cocks! And Rats! And Tigers! And Snakes!

- Astrological Bias: Dong the Dog Says: Just Say No to Cocks! And Rats! And Tigers! And Snakes!
- Baptism by Ire 1: Expect a Bush Appointment and 2] 'Don't Fergit: We Still Hate Them Fags!', 3] What Would Jesus Boycott?, and 4] Baptist School Pulls Starbucks Cups Over Gay Author's Quote
- Jerry Falwell: 1] Priest & GOP Senator, Danforth Blasts Party for Using Religion To Divide, 2] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate, 3] Once Again, Free Speech Kicks Falwell's Fat.ass, 4] Even Though They Caused 9-11 & Will Destroy America,
SodomitesGays Find Unexpected Jerry Falwell!, 5] Televangelists Turn Pro-Sleaze When Spotlights Threatened, and 6 Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits - Fred Phelps: 1] Unbelievable, 2] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate, 3] Thou Shalt Be Vile, 4] Religion Is Evil - Exhibit A, 5] Fred Phelps: Satan's Favorite Christian, 6] Is 'Faggyass' in the Bible? (Sigh) I Wouldn't Be Surprised..., and 7] Yes, There Really Are Monsters - Some Wear Hats...
- Catholic Cruelties: 1a] Reason I Left O.C. #952 / 1b] Catholic School to Gay Parents: Stay Home, 2] Cardinal Invents New Type of Atheism - Just Like That! 3] When Discriminating & Rejecting - Do It with a Smile!, and 4] Another Catholic Arrested for Genocide
- Pope Benedict XVI: 1] Exhibit B: Set Yourselves on Fire & We Can Talk About 'Persecution', 2] Witch Hunt, 2005, and 3a] B16: Push Christianity on Secularist Society for Its Own Good
- Pope John Paul II: 1] Love Is Not an Ideological Evil, Asshole
- Christian Crusades: see 1a] The 'War on Christmas' [in Theocracy], 2] Fundamentalists: Shrek Evil, 3] 'Yeah, So About Burning You to Death? Sorry!', 4] What Would Jesus Boycott?, 5] So God Hates Fags and Fag-Lovers, 6] Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Liberties for Non-Christians, 7] Witches Can Raise Their Little Warlock After All, 8] Vicar Diagnosed with Chronic Stick Up Ass, 9] Christians Expel Cheerleader for Lesbian Moms, 10] Case in Point: Bigotry Makes Telling Bedfellows..., 11] Priest & GOP Senator, Danforth Blasts Party for Using Religion To Divide, 12] The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews, 13] Who Would Jesus Expel?, and 14] Mission: Infernal
- Concerned Women for America: 1] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate
- Paul & Jan Crouch / Trinity Broadcasting: 1] Televangelists Turn Pro-Sleaze When Spotlights Threatened and 2] Today's 'Tammy Faye Theater' Double-Feature: Curse of the Filthy Negro with I Was a Middle-Aged XXXmas Ho
- Ku Klux Klan: 1] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate, 2] Case in Point: Bigotry Makes Telling Bedfellows..., and 3] Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same
- Tony Perkins / Family Research Council: 1] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate and 2] Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits
- Donald Wildmon / American Family Association: 1] What Would Jesus Boycott?, 2] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate and 3] Christians: Under the Hood, They're All the Same
- Evangelical Evils: see 1a] Air Force Evangelism [in Theocracy] / 1b] Indiana Hearts Jesus [in Theocracy] / 1c] The 'War on Christmas' [in Theocracy], 2] Um, God Can Keep the Vagina...But Thanks, 3] The Insidious Character Assassination of Whispering Evangelicals, 4] Shhhh! You Sound Like Monsters! The Key Is Trying To Appear Christian! Now Get Out There & Hate Those Fags!, 5] Priest & GOP Senator, Danforth Blasts Party for Using Religion To Divide, 6] The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews, 7] "Oh, Want More Water? So Thirsty! Know Who Else Was Thirsty? No, Not Allah - Jesus, When He Died for Your Sins! Can You Say 'Jesus Loves Me'?", 8] 'Oy Vey! Again with the Evangelicals?!', and 9] Who Would Jesus Betray? Evangelicals Warn Jewish Critics To Shut Their Bagel Holes About Church-State or They'll Just Let Israel Burn
- James Dobson / Focus on the Family: 1] What Would Jesus Boycott?, 2] What Do Nazis, the KKK & the Religious Right Have in Common? Hate, 3] Shhhh! You Sound Like Monsters! The Key Is Trying To Appear Christian! Now Get Out There & Hate Those Fags!, 4] Focus on the Felony, 5] Fuck Hannukah: Christians Bully Stores into Pretending Jews, Hindus & All Non-Christians Simply Don't Exist, 6] The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews, and 7] Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits
- Pat Robertson: 1a] Who Would Jesus Assassinate? / 1b] Who Would Jesus Kidnap? / 1c] Backpeddling on the River Styx / 1d] Chavez Forgives Robertson Like 'Good Christian I Am' - Who Still Might Sue, 2] Pot Calls Kettles Black: Wild Asshole Pat Robertson Says Muslims Born Hateful, 3a] FEMA Secretly Funneling Katrina Donations to Pat Robertson's
Diamond Mine Cargo PlanesCharity / 3b] A Closer Look at FEMA's Charities: Only Religious Groups Need Apply, 4] Unquote: Pat Robertson, 5] GOP Senator: 'The Wages of Sin Is Death', 6] The Sky Is Falling!, Predicts Pat - Don't Be Silly, Says Science, 7] Patrick: Portrait of a Would-Be Killer, 8] You Must Be This Christian To Ride This Ride, 9] Pat Tells Dover: Expect Destruction, 10] I Knew It! 'Evangelical Christian' My Ass!, 11] Televangelists Turn Pro-Sleaze When Spotlights Threatened, 12] Evil a la Mode, 13] The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews, and 14a] Giving Old Men...Strokes: That's What Passes for 'God's Wrath'?! Lamest! Deity! Ever! Next Week: God Gives Cat Hairball! / 14b] Here's an Idea: Stop Being God's Ghoul - Jimmy Swaggart: Swaggert: I'd Kill Gays
- Good Old-Fashioned Racism: 1] Unquote: Pat Robertson, 2] Pot Calls Kettles Black: Wild Asshole Pat Robertson Says Muslims Born Hateful, 3] Another Catholic Arrested for Genocide, and 4] Let Him Who Is Without Genocidal Tendencies Cast the First Stone
- Good Old-Fashioned Sexism: 1] Unquote: Pat Robertson, 2] Hadji's Helpful Hindu Hint #31: Burning Brides a Real Treat, S'More or Less, 3] Muslims Condemn 'Indecent' Tennis Star, and 4] Wifebeating for Allah
- Hindu Castigation: 1] Hadji's Helpful Hindu Hint #31: Burning Brides a Real Treat, S'More or Less, 2] Y'Know, Being a Gay Atheist in America Isn't So Bad After All..., 3] Judas Priest's 'Kiss the Bride, Go to Prison', and 4] Reincarnated-Goddess-Crossdressing-Boy-Bride-of-Statue Suffers Post-Nuptual Depression
- Homophobia: see 1] Gaytheism and 2] Papal Maché
- Hypocrisy: Wolves That Cry Wolf: see 1a] Indiana Hearts Jesus [in Theocracy] / 1b] Tulsa Zoo [in Evolution vs. Magic] / 1c] The 'War on Christmas' [in Theocracy], 2] Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Liberties for Non-Christians, 3] [Sprays Coffee on Monitor] Oh, You've Got To Be Kidding Me!, 4] Court Tells Muslim To Get Real & Say Cheese, 5] Televangelists Turn Pro-Sleaze When Spotlights Threatened, 6] Fuck Hannukah: Christians Bully Stores into Pretending Jews, Hindus & All Non-Christians Simply Don't Exist, 7] 'I Baptise You in the Name of the Father, the Son & the Holy God I'm So Turned On Right Now!', and 8] Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits
- Islamic Jihads: 1] Osama's Valentine Wishes, 2] Beam Me Up, Buddha!, 3] Religion Written into Iraq Constitution (Shhh! Don't Give the GOP Any Ideas!), 4] Muslims Condemn 'Indecent' Tennis Star, 5] Prominent Muslim Condemns Terrorism - One of Few Voices in a Sea of Tacit Approval, 6] Wifebeating for Allah, 7] 'Religion Unites People', and 8] 'Praise Allah! Do It!'
- Judaic Defamation: 1a] Slut + Kabbalah = Madonna? / 1b] Madonna 'Brings Great Sin on Kabbalah,' Rabbis Fume, and 2] Rabbi Goes Too Far, and 3] Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits
- Political Amorality 1:] Top 10 List: aka, The Devil and 2] Let Him Who Is Without Genocidal Tendencies Cast the First Stone
- Sadism: 1] Remember That Part When Kali's Statue Comes to Life & Attacks Sinbad with Six Swords? That Was Cool and 2] And Just When I'd Lost All Hope, Bam!, Politics Is Interesting Again
- Theism: see 1a] Anti-Atheist Discrimination [in Atheism] / 1b] Theocracy, 2] Cardinal Invents New Type of Atheism - Just Like That!
- Katrina: 1] Sigh, 2] Katrina Sent To Smite the Sinful?, 5] GOP Senator on Katrina: 'The Wages of Sin Is Death', and 6] Hurricanes Are God's Wrath, Say Stupid & Poor
- Starbucks: See Gaytheism

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