Directory: Theocracy
5 Fast! A Family That Hails Together Stays Together Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits Senator Ignores History in Defending Pledge That Has 'Always Been' - It's Pledge Version 3.0, Dumbass What Part of No Don't You Understand? What Part of Fairness? Of Constitution?! The Parts That Hate the Baby Jesus! Remember When America Meant Equality & Freedom? And Faith Was a Right Not a Resume or Tax? And Discrimination Illegal? Y'Know, Thursday?

- Air Force Evangelism: 1]
Air Force Christians Persecute Nonbelievers, 2] Air Force Academy Probe Widens, 3] Surprise: The Air Force Clears the Air Force, 4] 'Shouldn't' Is Not 'Don't' & 'Urge' Is Not 'Prohibit' - Air Force Guidelines Too Little, Too Late, Too Evangelical, 5] How Can an Allegation Be 'Unsubstantiated' If the Accused Regrets Doing It?!?, 6] Jewish Cadet Sues Air Force for 'Repugnant & Violative' Persecution by Evangelical Christians, 7] Air Force Rethinks Letting Evanglicals Loose on Atheists & Nonaffiliated, 8] Evangelicals Find Favoritism & Loophole at Air Force Academy, 9] 'Oy Vey! Again with the Evangelicals?!', and 10] Who Would Jesus Betray? Evangelicals Warn Jewish Critics To Shut Their Bagel Holes About Church-State or They'll Just Let Israel Burn
- Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Rights for Non-Christians
- The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews
- Blasphemy Illegal? God Dammit!
- Bush - King George II: 1] Bush Hails Satan, 2] 'Don't Fergit: We Still Hate Them Fags!', 3] Bush: 'Creationism Am Science, 4a] I Guess Those of Us Who Don't Pray to a Male Deity Can Just Go Fuck Our unAmerican Selves / 4b] Have You Prayed Today Like a True American? Yeah, Me Neither, 5] Bush Grants Pope Criminal Immunity, 6a] Symptoms: Hears Voices, God Complex, Prone to Violence, Delusional, Sociopath, 'Can Do No Wrong,' Poor Grammar, Denial, Possibly Retarded... / 6b] Breaking News: God...Is a Dick?!, 7] Anti-Bush Church Threatened by IRS for Politicizing - Pro-Bush Churches: Exempted & Probably Giggling, 8] Americans Disapprove: Bush Is a Liar - Evangelicals Approve: But He Prays, 9] Bush's Church: 'Really Sorry About Supporting the War...He Lied to Us, Too!', 10] A Family That Hails Together Stays Together, 11] Has Bush Sold His Soul? Was He Ever Really a 'Christian'? Is He - Oh, I Don't Know - EVIL?! One Evangelical Wonders..., and 12] Dubya Poops on Baby Jesus, Declares Santa the Son of God, Shoves a Dreidel Up His...Or Something Like That
- Bush - Prince Jeb: 1] Jeb Bush Summons Mystic Warrior Chang in Strange Occult Ritual and 2] Florida GOP Fell for Magic Potion Hoax
- Bush - Queen Laura: 1] 'Mrs. White, May I Go to the BathroHAIL SATAN!' and 2] A Family That Hails Together Stays Together
- Church Politics: see 1] Papal Maché [Vs. The Law], 2] Expect a Bush Appointment, 3] Shhhh! You Sound Like Monsters! The Key Is Trying To Appear Christian! Now Get Out There & Hate Those Fags!, 4] Americans Disapprove: Bush Is a Liar - Evangelicals Approve: But He Prays, 5] Focus on the Felony, 6] Anti-Bush Church Threatened by IRS for Politicizing - Pro-Bush Churches: Exempted & Probably Giggling, 7] Bush's Church: 'Really Sorry About Supporting the War...He Lied to Us, Too!', and 8] Yes, There Really Are Monsters...Some Wear Suits
- Conjurocracy: see Evolution vs. Magic [Political Endorsements]
- Da Vinci Or Not: Theocracy Is Theocracy
- Even Down Under, Christians Whine & Whine & Whine When Not Shown Favoritism They Think They Deserve
- Faith-Based Katrinism: 1] Science, Religion & Katrina: A Sober Theist's Point of View, 2a] FEMA Secretly Funneling Katrina Donations to Pat Robertson's
Diamond Mine Cargo PlanesCharity / 2b] A Closer Look at FEMA's Charities: Only Religious Groups Need Apply, 3a] I Guess Those of Us Who Don't Pray to a Male Deity Can Just Go Fuck Our unAmerican Selves / 3b] Have You Prayed Today Like a True American? Yeah, Me Neither, 4a] Faith-Based Charities Use Katrina Tragedy in Grab for Federal Money / 4b] Good Deeds for Cash, 5] Remember When America Meant Equality & Freedom? And Faith Was a Right Not a Resume or Tax? And Discrimination Illegal? Y'Know, Thursday?, 6] Jewish Groups Alarmed Over Bush's Faith-Based Opportunism, 7] Bush Sends More Money to Churches, Constitution Be Damned, and 8] Dajoro's Politics [Katrina] Directory - Gay Marriage: see Gaytheism
- Indiana Hearts Jesus: 1] Indiana Judge Tells Lawmakers: Pray on Your Own Time; Lawmakers Now Pray for Heathen Judge's Death and 2] What Part of No Don't You Understand? What Part of Fairness? Of Constitution?! The Parts That Hate the Baby Jesus!
- In God We Trust: 1] In God Some Trust and 2] Supreme Court Confirms: US 'Trusts in God,' Constitution & Non-Christians Be Damned
- Judicial Activism ('Good Kind'): 1] Escape Equal Justice...Through God and 2] Judge Roberts Would Tear Down 'The Wall'
- The Logan's Run Policy on the Elderly Looking Better & Better...
- New Mexico, Old Theocracy
- Oy Vey: 1] Oy Vey! Jews Protest - That's Right - Daylight Savings Time, 2] Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Rights for Non-Christians, 3] Jewish Groups Alarmed Over Bush's Faith-Based Opportunism, 4] Jewish Cadet Sues Air Force for 'Repugnant & Violative' Persecution by Evangelical Christians, 5] Fuck Hannukah: Christians Bully Stores into Pretending Jews, Hindus & All Non-Christians Simply Don't Exist, 6]The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews, 7] 'Oy Vey! Again with the Evangelicals?!', and 8] Who Would Jesus Betray? Evangelicals Warn Jewish Critics To Shut Their Bagel Holes About Church-State or They'll Just Let Israel Burn
- Pentagon Told Hands Off Boy Scouts
- Physician, Heal Who Thy Wish: 1] If God Tells You Who Gets What Medicine, Perhaps Pharmacist Isn't the Job for You and 2] Whatever You Do, Don't Get Raped Near a Catholic Hospital...Get Raped Near a Real One
- Pledge of Allegiance: 1] 'Under God' Lawsuit Cropped, 2] Prayer of Allegiance Law Upheld, 3] 'Under God' Ruled Unconstitutional, 4] Hiding Behind 'Patriotism,' Pouting Catholics Advocate Violating Law To Retain McCarthy Era Religious Pledge, 5] It's Never Been All Or Nothing, Alberto: Children Can Still Pledge to the Flag - Without 'God', and 6] Senator Ignores History in Defending Pledge That Has 'Always Been' - It's Pledge Version 3.0, Dumbass
- Religion Written into Iraq Constitution (Shhh! Don't Give the GOP Any Ideas!)
- Religious Reicht: 1] GOP Theocracy Facing Backlash?, 2] Religious Right May Cause Armageddon, 3] Priest & GOP Senator, Danforth Blasts Party for Using Religion To Divide, and 4] The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews
- Pat Robertson: see Hate Thy Neighbor
- The Root of Society's Ills? Religion, Says Study - Perfect Example? America
- Sneaky Christians Preach To Kids Instead of Giving Anti-Drug Assembly - Then Deny It, Say 'Liberal Kids' Lie
- Sober People Give Me the Creeps - If I Want Dull, I Have Spoons
- Survey Says: 1] American Idolotry Results Post: Atheist & Evangelist Make It to Semi-Finals!, 2] The Root of Society's Ills? Religion, Says Study - Perfect Example? America, 3] Americans Disapprove: Bush Is a Liar - Evangelicals Approve: But He Prays, and 4] United State of America: Superstitious
- Televangelists Turn Pro-Sleaze When Spotlights Threatened
- Ten Commandments: 1] Ten Commandments Religious? Court: 'Kinda' and 2] Using Religion for Infamy, Profit & Political Power - Just As Jesus Intended
- The 12 Facets of the 1st Amendment
- US Funds Bible Class As 'School'
- The 'War on Xmas' - As Seen on FOX News! 1] 'It's Beginning to Litigate a Lot Like Christmas...', 2] Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Rights for Non-Christians, 3] Wal-Mart Is 'Effectively Banning Christmas'?!? (P.S.: Catholics Need To Calm! Down!), 4] 'Dingoes Ate My Baby Jesus!', 5] Dubya Poops on Baby Jesus, Declares Santa the Son of God, Shoves a Dreidel Up His... Or Something Like That, 6] Who Would Jesus Decapitate? 'Sick Sick Sick' Christians Protest Secularism of Christmas with Serial Killing Santa, 7] Fuck Hannukah: Christians Bully Stores into Pretending Jews, Hindus & All Non-Christians Simply Don't Exist, 8] And I Just Finished Decorating My Holiday Tree & Mailing My Wintry Season Cards! Dammit!, 9] Much Ado About Noel, 10] I Guess Christian Kindness Died with Christ? Jesus Must Be Rolling in His Grave, and 11] Bonfire of the Baby Jesi
- Witch Curses Christians with Debt

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