The Pope Rapes Nuns?! Totally True!
Well, Not Really

Battle Pope #3
review from
I am a Christian. I believe Jesus Christ is real and powerful. I'm not a Catholic, but I do believe that the figurehead of the church that many of Christ's followers look to for guidance is usually a decent man worthy of my respect. I also believe there’s an actual devil lurking about in the spirit realm, seeking whom he may devour.

Well, I didn't find much. I could review this as a comic book, I suppose. Decent art, some witty jabs, a modestly fun and suspenseful plot as far as that goes.
But of course, that's not what's on my mind as I put the book down after the last page. I am struck by the utter mean-spirited, pointlessness of this blasphemy. Now, I fully recognize that a believer such as me is not the expected audience for this title. So I'm certainly not a suitable reviewer for the book on its own merits. Nor am I particularly interested in doing something dopey like organizing a boycott or calling James Dobson’s radio show and breathlessly telling his audience what horrible things are being published in the godless comic book industry today. Heck, I'll even keep reading Marvel Team-Up, because Kirkman makes me laugh when he’s not trampling on truths I hold dear.
But having read this issue, it’s hard not to offer some commentary.
"Blasphemy" is, of course, a harsh word, and probably not entirely useful when applied to a creator who is not interested in the things I hold as truths – which Kirkman, obviously, does not.
In fact, some things that are blasphemous may have alternative value as satire, and thus be at least useful as a poignant, dark reflection on possible failings in what a believer considers orthodoxy, told from the perspective of an outsider.
Battle Pope does not rise to the level of satire. Satire would have some underlying point. Battle Pope does not.
Kirkman seems to be interested in playing with the idea that Christ and the Church (as seen in the Pope) are virtuous. Let's see what happens when we turn that upside down?

Jesus is a surfer bum weakling with little pluck in battle, a push-over wuss who decides it's best just to get comfortable being a crucifixion victim, because he obviously is powerless to prevent it.
Michael the Archangel is basically Wolverine without the moral center.
Curiously, the devil is still just as devilish as orthodoxy has always said he is.
Kirkman isn’t playing with traditional views of the sacred for any underlying purpose: he's taking the part that is holy and making it profane, and taking the part that is profane and reveling in the creative freedom of keeping it that way.
There's no point here save making all things just various shades of wickedness. This is anti-hero comic storytelling taken to its literally ultimate extreme.
This is Robert Kirkman saying, "God, I dare you to exist. I dare you to throw me in hell. Go ahead. Make my day."
If shaking your fist at God for its own sake is your thing, this will really float your boat.
Me? I'm going to go pray for cleansing.
If you've read the story of Battle Pope from the beginning, you would realize that it is complete satire. The story begins with the rapture. No one goes to heaven because everyone is a sinner, even the Pope. The series humanizes the Pope and Jesus, rather than putting them on ridiculous pedestals. The Pope doesn't rape anyone in any of the comics. One of his main attributes is his ability to pick up chicks; he doesn't NEED to rape anyone.
If you read a small part of the Bible, that doesn't give you a complete picture of Christianity or Judaism. If you read a small part of a comic series, don't be arrogant enough to assume that you know everything about it. The third book is the last installment of the series, so it is understandably more action oriented. Did this guy actually even read the comic? I have it open in front of me and there is no nun-raping whatsoever. And anyway, remember that it is a Comic Book. Take the crucifix out of your ass.
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