Directory: Atheism
5 Fast! There Goes My Hero... 'I'm Beyond Atheism' Penn Jillette on God, Life, Rainbows & Jell-O The Root of Society's Ills? Religion, Says Study - Perfect Example? America The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews Atheism Ruled 'Religion'

- Abracadeus! [Note to Self: Set TiVo]
- 'After All, We Are All Made of Stars'
- Air Force Evangelism: see Theocracy
- Anti-Atheist Discrimination: 1] 'At Least Being Gay Is Socially Acceptable', 2] Anti-ACLU Vows To Fight Civil Liberties for Non-Christians, 3] Cardinal Invents New Type of Atheism - Just Like That!, 4] Atheism Ruled 'Religion', 5] The Empirical Strikes Back, 6] A Closer Look at FEMA's Charities: Only Religious Groups Need Apply, 7] I Guess Those of Us Who Don't Pray to a Male Deity Can Just Go Fuck Our unAmerican Selves, 8] Atheist Family Values, 9] B16: Push Christianity on Secularist Society for Its Own Good, 10] Pope Confuses 'Belief' for 'Reality,' Pluralism for Catholicism & Democracy for Theocracy, 11] Air Force Rethinks Letting Evangelicals Loose on Atheists & Nonaffiliated, 12] Atheist? Single? Gay? Loving? Indiana?!? No Babies for You!, 13] Oh, No He Didn't! Did That Old Man Just Call Me a Fool?!, and see 14] Hate Thy Neighbor & Theocracy
- Atheism Ruled 'Religion'
- Atheist? Finally, a Religion for You!
- Atheists & Baptists Agree: Speaking-in-Tongues = Superstitious Nonsense
- A] When You're the Majority, You Don't Add Diversity; B] Religion Is a Choice, Not Trait; C] 'Christian Victim' = Oxymoron
- 'B-But, My Boobs Spell Out "God"! See?!' 'Doesn't Matter. You're Still a Dork'
- The Biggest Threat to Freedom? The Christian Right, Say Jews
- Bootil
eviticious! - B16: Push Christianity on Secularist Society for Its Own Good
- Catholics: Get! Over! Yourselves!
- Celebrity A-List: 1] Atheist Phyllis Diller Injured in Tumble [Phyllis Diller], 2] 'What's Not Attractive? To Me It All Seemed So Glamorous! First of All, You Get an Outfit That's Fantastic!' - Julia Sweeney, on Nuns [Julia Sweeney], 3] Jesus Is Magic [Sarah Silverman], 4] Leakey: 'Anyone Who Believes in Intelligent Design Cannot Be That Intelligent' [Richard Leakey], 5] 'I'm Beyond Atheism' Penn Jillette on God, Life, Rainbows & Jell-O [Penn Jillette], 6] Was Atheist Lennon Just Asking for Death? [John Lennon], and 7] Dajoro's Celebrity News [Atheist Quotes] Directory
- Darwin Wept: 1] Can Science Disprove Zeus? Mermaids? Santa?, 2a] Believe It Or Rot: The Museum of Science
Fiction&Supernatural History / 2b] Baby Dinosaurs Rode on Noah's Ark?! It's Official: I've Heard Everything, 3] Science ThreatensKansasSasnak Over Mytheducation Standards, 4] Scientists Lament America's Self-Imposed Devolution & Embrace of Dogma over Fact, 5] Science Fights Losing Battle Against Stupid & Superstitious US, 6] Darwin Works, 7] Who Would Jesus Beat? Evophobe Christians Bash Professor, and see 8] Evolution vs. Magic - Da Vinci Or Not: Theocracy Is Theocracy
- Debunkalicious: see Miracle Whip
- Europeans Boycott Halloween As Blasphemous American Commercialism
- Faith-Based Katrinism: see Theocracy
- From ID to Jesus Foreskin to Flying Pasta: When Fiction Becomes Faction
- Happy Holidays: see Theocracy [The 'War on Christmas']
- Hold That Thought: Meditation Alters the Brain
- In God We Trust: see Theocracy
- Lutherans Make Room for Atheist Minister
- National Days of Prayer: 1] I Guess Those of Us Who Don't Pray to a Male Deity Can Just Go Fuck Our unAmerican Selves and 2] Have You Prayed Today Like a True American? Yeah, Me Neither
- Pledge of Allegiance: see Theocracy
- Priest & GOP Senator, Danforth Blasts Party for Using Religion To Divide
- Prove Jesus: 1] Put Your Money Where Your Myth Is: Judge Orders Priest To Prove Jesus! and 2] There Goes My Hero...
- Quizzes: Which Religion Is for You?
- Religion Employs Mind Control Machines?! The Church Used Hitler To Kill Jews?! Hmm, Madman May Have Some Points...
- Remember When America Meant Equality & Freedom? And Faith Was a Right Not a Resume or Tax? And Discrimination Illegal? Y'Know, Thursday?
- The Root of Society's Ills? Religion, Says Study - Perfect Example? America
- *Rubs Eyes* Catholics Admit Bible Isn't Entirely True & Then Condemn Fundamentalist Christians! *Pinches Self*
- Survey Says: 1] Bible Shmible! Even Christians Don't Take It Seriously [Bible], 2] Atheism, God & Science [God/Science], 3] God on Life-Support in UK [God], 4] They're Wrong [Evolution], 5] American Idolotry Results Post: Atheist & Evangelist Make It to Semi-Finals! [Religion], 6] Darwin vs. Dios: Number Crunching [Evolution], 7] No Da Vinci Code: The Best-Selling Book No One Wants To Read [Bible], 8] The Root of Society's Ills? Religion, Says Study - Perfect Example? America [Religion/Crime], 9] Hurricanes Are God's Wrath, Say Stupid & Poor [God/Katrina], 10] Orgasms...3x the Fun, 3x the Results, 3x the OMGs [Prayer/Sex], 11] Brits Believe in Ghosts - God? Not So Much [God/Magic], 12] Um, Thanks? [Marriage], 13] But 'Most Americans Are' Idiots - Look Who They Elected [Evolution], 14] Americans Disapprove: Bush Is a Liar - Evangelicals Approve: But He Prays [Prayer/Politics], 15] 'Jesus? Hmmm...Who Does He Play for Again?' [Popularity], 16] Who's Not Getting In? Sounds Like Heaven Needs a Doorman [Heaven], 17] United State of America: Superstitious [God], 18] I Guess Christian Kindness Died with Christ? Jesus Must Be Rolling in His Grave [Season's Greetings], and 19] 'Collidge Am Hard - Me Spooky Easilish - What Be Multox...Multipaloo, hmm...Multiplicitation?' Hmm? I'm Sorry, Mr. President? [Intelligence/Superstition]
- Ten Commandments: see Theocracy
- Thou Shalt Not Apologize [The Mail Bag]
- The 12 Facets of the 1st Amendment
- Unquote: Pat Robertson
- You Must Be This Christian To Ride This Ride...

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