If Your Catholic Is Still Raving in Hysterics, You Didn't Bitchslap Him Hard Enough...
Try Again

Okay...let's see. Got it. Yes! Right. Well, naturally. OK, I think I'm ready. Pimps: Is there anything they don't know? Oh, here comes our Catholic now...
ABC Pushes Anti-Catholic "Pope Joan" Tale
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"Diane Sawyer takes you on the trail of a passionate mystery. Just as intriguing as The Da Vinci Code. Chasing down centuries-old clues hidden even inside the Vatican. Could a woman disguised as a man have been Pope? Thursday night. One astonishing Primetime."
It doesn't get much uglier than this, folks. Quite simply, there was never a female pope, or "Pope Joan." The tale is a complete fabrication dating back to the 13th century - nearly 400 years after the reported "reign" of the so-called "Joan." Scholars debunked the fable hundreds of years ago.

Over the centuries, the "Pope Joan" story has been used as a slanderous tool to tarnish the Catholic Church and degrade Catholics.

That a major network like ABC would lend credibility to such a vicious anti-Catholic smear is

deplorable. What




Dammit! For the love of Snoop, it's not working! This crazy bitch just keeps yapping and yapping and now my hand hur-ooh, look!
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