If Your Catholic Is Still Raving in Hysterics, You Didn't Bitchslap Him Hard Enough...
Try Again
Okay...let's see. Got it. Yes! Right. Well, naturally. OK, I think I'm ready. Pimps: Is there anything they don't know? Oh, here comes our Catholic now...
ABC Pushes Anti-Catholic "Pope Joan" Tale
from FreeRepublic
Check out the promotional ad for this Thursday evening's (December 29, 2005) episode of ABC's Primetime. The promo is for the story, "On the Trail of Pope Joan":
"Diane Sawyer takes you on the trail of a passionate mystery. Just as intriguing as The Da Vinci Code. Chasing down centuries-old clues hidden even inside the Vatican. Could a woman disguised as a man have been Pope? Thursday night. One astonishing Primetime."
It doesn't get much uglier than this, folks. Quite simply, there was never a female pope, or "Pope Joan." The tale is a complete fabrication dating back to the 13th century - nearly 400 years after the reported "reign" of the so-called "Joan." Scholars debunked the fable hundreds of years ago.
Over the centuries, the "Pope Joan" story has been used as a slanderous tool to tarnish the Catholic Church and degrade Catholics.
That a major network like ABC would lend credibility to such a vicious anti-Catholic smear is
deplorable. What
Dammit! For the love of Snoop, it's not working! This crazy bitch just keeps yapping and yapping and now my hand hur-ooh, look!
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