Directory: Evolution vs. Magic
5 Fast!Who's Next?! What Happens When Creationism Embraces Darwin? Peace!? Possibly... An Old Idea Gets New Attention with Theistic Evolution Intelligence Decides: Dover Judge Bans ID & Blasts School Board for 'Breathtaking Inanity' & 'Lies' [Merry Christmas!] / Intelligence Revives: Dover's Redemption Exactly! Where Are My Gills & Wings & Extra Arms? No Nightvision? Why Do Turtles Outlive Me? 'Intelligent' Design, My Ass! And About My Ass... Checking ID at the Door

- 'The Bible' Remixes [Bible Textbook Could Circumvent Culture War]
- Biology: 1] Life on Mars?, 2] 'Honey, Warm Up the Cloner!', 2] The Fancy Fossils Fooled Us!, 3] Fossil Supports Ape-to-Human Evolution, and 4] Is Evolution Saving the Elephant?
- Californication: 1a] UC Schools Sued for (Gasp) Not Accepting Mythology As Science / 2b] Why Not Go to Religious Colleges Then? You Chose Your Path; Don't Expect the World To Take It with You - And Quit Whining! and 2] Who's Next?!
- Can Science Disprove Zeus? Mermaids? Santa?
- Checking ID at the Door
- Church Newsletter [Judge Rejects School Board Evolution Stand]
- Creationism Museum: 1] Believe It Or Rot: The Museum of Science
Fiction&Supernatural History and 2] Baby Dinosaurs Rode on Noah's Ark?! It's Official: I've Heard Everything - Darwin Works
- Designer Fashions
- The Dover Trial: 1] Parents Sue To Stop Intelligence Decline, 2] ID Trial Recap: Catholic Biologist & Professed Creationist Blasts Intelligent Design As 'Tremendously Damaging' & 'Not Science', 3] ID Trial Recap II: How Is a Totally-Not-Creationism 'Scientific Theory' Like Intelligent Design Formulated? Easy: Find/Replace, 4] ID Trial Recap III: Everything He Said? Simple Opinion & Religion - Not Evidence, Not Fact & Not Science - ID in a Nutshell, 5] Astrology Is 'Science'? Miss Cleo a 'Scientist'? Yes, Darlin! ID Rewrites Reality, 6] Hmm...How Will Christians Vote: God or Science? I Wonder..., 7] Natural Science vs. Supernatural Science Trial Ends with Accusations of Perjury, 8] The Dover Rollover: Voters Oust School Board Over Intelligent Design, 9] Pat Tells Dover Voters: Expect Destruction, 10] Intelligence Decides: Dover Judge Bans ID & Blasts School Board for 'Breathtaking Inanity' & 'Lies' [Merry Christmas!], and 11] Intelligence Revives: Dover's Redemption
- Exactly! Where Are My Gills & Wings & Extra Arms? No Nightvision? Why Do Turtles Outlive Me? 'Intelligent' Design, My Ass! And About My Ass...
- Exterior Design
- Flying Spaghetti: 1] Creationism's Blindspot: Other Intelligent Designers, 2 Parents Sue To Stop Intelligence Decline [Quiz], 3] From ID to Jesus Foreskin to Flying Pasta: When Fiction Becomes Faction, 4] Dear Santa...Yeah, It's Darren Again... , and 5] How Long Before Flying Spaghetti Monster: The Movie starring Danny Devito?
- From ID to Jesus Foreskin to Flying Pasta: When Fiction Becomes Faction
- IMAX Ban: 1] Theaters Ban IMAX Film for Evolution and 2] IMAX Ban a Disturbing Precedent
- Kansas Science: 1] Scientists Boycott Creationism 'Charade', 2] Backward-Ass Still Science Kansas, 3] No - Magic Is 'Impossible' (Idiot!), 4] Kansas Devolves, 5] Science Threatens
KansasSasnak Over Mytheducation Standards, 6] Hmm...How Will Christians Vote: God or Science? I Wonder..., 7] Science Fights Losing Battle Against Stupid & Superstitious US, 8] Sdrawkcab-Ssa Sasnak: Laiciffo Sti, 9] New Jersey Sighs in Relief As Kansas Becomes the New 'Great American Joke', 10] University of Kansas Tells IDers To Go Fuc-Wait a Minute...Kansas Has Universities!?!, and 11] Who Would Jesus Beat? Evophobe Christians Bash Professor - Leakey: 'Anyone Who Believes in Intelligent Design Cannot Be That Intelligent'
- Logically Blonde: Harvard Throws Millions at Magic
- Lost Leonard & The Chicken Planet of the Intelligently Designed!
- Ohio's Devolution: Lawyers Aim Lawsuits at Ohio's 'Maybe Science' Evolution Stance
- 'Oy Vey! Again with the Darwin?!'
- Political Endorsements: 1] Bush: 'Creationism Am Science', 2] Clenched Frist Endorses Religion As Science, and 3] A Voice of Reason in GOP?! Santorum Switches Position on ID
- Questionably Intelligently Designed
- Science, Religion & Katrina: A Sober Theist's Point of View
- Scientists Lament America's Self-Imposed Devolution & Embrace of Dogma over Fact
- So Then the Vatican's All: 1 Genesis 2.0e: Adam Descended from Apes?, 2] Cardinal Clarifies His Support of Evolution - Not That What Clerics Think of Science Is Particularly Relevant, 3] I Can See It Now: Alien vs. Pope, Starring Bill Murray... , 4] Cardinal: 'Evolution Is More Than Just a Hypothesis' - I Hope the IDiots Are Listening, 5] *Rubs Eyes* Catholics Admit Bible Isn't Entirely True & Then Condemn Fundamentalist Christians! *Pinches Self*, 6] Oh, No He Didn't! Did That Old Man Just Call Me a Fool?!, 7] Vatican Astronomer Blasts ID As Not Science 'Even Though It Pretends To Be', 8] 'After All, We Are All Made of Stars', and 9] Vatican Blasts Intelligent Design & Then Embraces 'Intelligent Project'...Um, They're Sorta the Same Thing
- Survey Says: 1] Atheism, God & Science, 2] They're Wrong, 3] Darwin vs. Dios: Number Crunching, and 4] But 'Most Americans Are' Idiots - Look Who They Elected
- Theistic Evolution: What Happens When Creationism Embraces Darwin? Peace!? Possibly... An Old Idea Gets New Attention with Theistic Evolution
- Tulsa Zoo: 1] Hillbillies Weasle Creationism into Zoo and 2] Creationism Aborted from Tulsa Zoo

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