
I Guess Those of Us Who Don't Pray to a Male Deity Can Just Go Fuck Our unAmerican Selves

How Inappropriate: Try to remember you're not the Commander-in-Church; that America is a melting pot, not your congregation; and that you're supposed to represent all of us, not just those who vote for you, not just those who share your religion, and not just wealthy caucasians, you disrespectful, arrogant, insensitive, evangelical asshole. (Sigh) I need a drink.

Clergy Applaud President for Declaring Day of Prayer

from Christian Wire Service / Washington Times

WASHINGTON - President Bush yesterday declared Sept. 16 a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for Hurricane Katrina victims.

"Throughout our history, in times of testing, Americans have come together in prayer to heal and ask for strength for the tasks ahead," he said.

The last time Bush made such a declaration was four years ago, when he honored the victims of September 11 with a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance three days later. On that day, he gave an emotional speech at the National Cathedral in Washington.

Bush, who often is accused by his detractors of being overly religious, was unapologetic about his call for prayer yesterday.

"I ask that we pray - as Americans have always prayed in times of trial - with confidence in His purpose, with hope for a brighter future, and with the humility to ask God to keep us strong so that we can better serve our brothers and sisters in need," he said.

The National Clergy Council and the Christian Defense Coalition, that together asked on August 31 for President Bush to declare a national day of prayer for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, today applaud him for doing so.

"Americans are overwhelmingly people of prayer and it is prayer that will get us through the worst of circumstances. The President is once again exercising the highest form of leadership by uniting the American people on the deepest level of our common life," said the Reverend Rob Schenck, president of the National Clergy Council.

"In times of great crisis, Americans have always turned to God and prayer for help and comfort. We are so thankful that the President is calling for this time of prayer. It will bring our country together. The most important needs for victims right now is hope, inspiration and spiritual strength. We urge the faith community to stand with the President in this call," said the Reverend Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Christian Defense Coalition.


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