
Prominent Muslim Condemns Terrorism - One of Few Voices in a Sea of Tacit Approval

Islam Prohibits Terrorism, Says Rome's Imam

from NewsMax.com

The imam of Rome's Grand Mosque condemned terrorism in the name of Islam, stating that "Islam is the religion of mutual knowledge and peace," not of "mutual hostility and clash."

Sheik Mahmud Hammad Sheweita made this statement at a press conference in Rome's Foreign Press Room, to present the Media Campaign Against World Suicide Terrorism, led by Jack Shepard, founder of the People for Peace Group.

The imam reminded his audience that suicide and murder are illicit.

"It is very clear that the killing of innocent people and of peaceful people have been declared illicit by Allah," he said Wednesday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It is very clear that the killing of innocent people and of peaceful people have been declared illicit by Allah" - Yes, but his definitions of "innocent" and "peaceful" are those of Islam, not the free thinking secular world. Is a homosexual man innocent? While the secular world says yes, Islamic societies impose penalties for homosexual behavior ranging from fines and incarceration to torture and execution by various cruel methods.

April 05, 2007 8:56 PM  

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