Oh, God, Not Another One!

Pa. Man Signs His Name As 'God'
from The Associated Press
READING, Pa. - One registered Republican won't be able to vote in the next election unless he appears at a Berks County Elections Board to explain the signature on his registration form.
The man is registered as Paul S. Sewell, Elections Director Deborah M. Olivieri said, but

County Solicitor Alan S. Miller said Sewell claims his "God" signature is merely a legal mark like the "X" used by people who are illiterate.
Sewell, 40, said he will be happy to explain. As the owner of a bail enforcement agency, he finds fugitives, he said.
"Whenever I go to arrest somebody, they say, 'Oh, God, give me another chance. Oh, God, let me go. I'll turn myself in tomorrow,'" Sewell said.
He said he thinks his designated mark is legal. "PennDOT accepted it on my driver's license. I have a credit card with it," he said. "It shouldn't be a problem."

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