
'Mr. Griffin, Welcome to Guatanamo Bay...'

Presbyterians Gone Wild!

from Sploid

The Presbyterian Church's official publishing company has put the fear of God into Washington with the release of a shocking new book.

Christian Faith and the Truth behind 9/11, A Call to Reflection and Action is the new book by theologian David Ray Griffin.

Like his previous underground bestseller, "The New Pearl Harbor," Griffin's latest book explores the cover-ups and myths of September 11, 2001.

But this time, the retired professor of theology demands that Christians rise up and confront the evildoers just as Jesus and his followers fought the Roman Empire.

The Presbyterian Publishing Company says the book should energize Christians to fight the wicked ones who control the United States:

"Drawing a parallel between the Roman Empire of antiquity and
the American Empire of today, he applies Jesus' teachings to the current
political administration, and he explores how Christian churches, as a community
intending to be an incarnation of the divine, can and should respond."

Griffin says it took nearly two years for him to reach the conclusion that elements within the U.S. government orchestrated the "terrorist" attacks on New York and the Pentagon. According to the new book's preface, Griffin was originally working on a history of 9/11 and "blowback" - the theory that American imperial actions produce hatred for the United States as well as violence against Americans.

But some of his fellow professors were investigating a far more controversial theory - that the "terrorists" themselves could be found in Washington, not a cave in Afghanistan.

Griffin writes that he only began to reject the official 9/11 conspiracy after studying a disturbing timeline of 9/11 events compiled from newspapers, wire service articles and television news.


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