Machine Gun Mary Spills Her Guts on Oprah
Mary Winkler Calls Murder of Her Minister Husband 'Tragic Event'
from Fox News
The mother who confessed to killing her minister husband with a shotgun spoke out for the first time on national television Wednesday, calling the murder a "tragic event" and expressing a longing to see her three young daughters again.
Mary Winkler, 33, accepted an invitation from Oprah Winfrey to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show to talk about her crumbling marriage and the events leading up to her husband's death.
After an argument with her husband, Matthew Winkler, on March 22, 2006, Mary took the shotgun from their bedroom closet and fired.
I heard the boom, I just thought that it would have hit the ceiling, the window, and I just thought 'Oh my goodness, he's going to think that I meant to do that on purpose,' and so I took off. I just took off running," Mary Winkler said in a taped interview. "Then at some point, I just realized he wasn’t chasing me and I just had to go back in and face the realization."
Mary Winkler said her husband was upset after their baby girl woke them up crying from her crib in their Selmer, Tenn., home.
Matthew Winkler put his hand over the baby's mouth and nose to quiet her, she said. After Mary Winkler took the baby from him, he returned the bedroom. Mary then put the baby back to bed and went to the bedroom to talk to her husband.
After shooting her husband, Mary Winkler put their three daughters in the family minivan and fled. She was later arrested hundreds of miles away in Alabama after an Amber Alert was issued.
Mary Winkler was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and served five months in jail with two months in a mental-health treatment facility.
"I do love him. I think of the good times," Mary Winkler said. "He's my girls' daddy. I just, love Matthew. It was very bad but it could be very good."
A judge denied Mary Winkler permission to travel to Chicago to talk with Winfrey in person. A taped portion previously recorded was broadcast instead.
was just so afraid," Mary Winkler said. "At that point, I felt like my life was in danger."
Winkler's trial showcased evidence of an abusive marriage, including what Mary Winkler called "unnatural sex acts" complete with white platform shoes and a wig to comply with her husband's desires.
The couple had discussed getting a divorce, she said.
Winkler, now wrapped up in a custody fight to see her daughters, said she hopes to see them again.
Winkler's former in-laws, Dan and Diane Winkler, have custody of the girls — ages 2, 8 and 10 — and want to terminate her parental rights and adopt their granddaughters.
from Fox News

Mary Winkler, 33, accepted an invitation from Oprah Winfrey to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show to talk about her crumbling marriage and the events leading up to her husband's death.
After an argument with her husband, Matthew Winkler, on March 22, 2006, Mary took the shotgun from their bedroom closet and fired.

Mary Winkler said her husband was upset after their baby girl woke them up crying from her crib in their Selmer, Tenn., home.
Matthew Winkler put his hand over the baby's mouth and nose to quiet her, she said. After Mary Winkler took the baby from him, he returned the bedroom. Mary then put the baby back to bed and went to the bedroom to talk to her husband.
After shooting her husband, Mary Winkler put their three daughters in the family minivan and fled. She was later arrested hundreds of miles away in Alabama after an Amber Alert was issued.
Mary Winkler was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and served five months in jail with two months in a mental-health treatment facility.
"I do love him. I think of the good times," Mary Winkler said. "He's my girls' daddy. I just, love Matthew. It was very bad but it could be very good."
A judge denied Mary Winkler permission to travel to Chicago to talk with Winfrey in person. A taped portion previously recorded was broadcast instead.

Winkler's trial showcased evidence of an abusive marriage, including what Mary Winkler called "unnatural sex acts" complete with white platform shoes and a wig to comply with her husband's desires.
The couple had discussed getting a divorce, she said.
Winkler, now wrapped up in a custody fight to see her daughters, said she hopes to see them again.
Winkler's former in-laws, Dan and Diane Winkler, have custody of the girls — ages 2, 8 and 10 — and want to terminate her parental rights and adopt their granddaughters.
Labels: Christianity, Mary Winkler, Preacher Wives
I just found your site. This story is funny in a way. A woman kills her husband, then pulls the old "mental illness" scam and then presents herself for Oprah. I guess some people are either so dumb or so narcissistic they are essentially non-functioning.
Hey Darren, please come back, ok? We miss you. Well, I miss your blogging anyway.
Sucks. Such a sad story.
Crazy mystic-minded woman. A shotgun has got some sting to it. Ouch.
Poetic justice < - > 07/10 21:35:11
Poetic justice is a beautiful thing. All this trash who thought they would escape the ugliness of WWII were placed into Mengele's operating room to suffer surgury without anethesia. And most remembered.
And it is true::::Imagine one of those rooms, some fucking monster idiot screaming at the top of his lungs:::"DO you know who I am? You can't do this to me. I am the godfather!!!"
Frozen water burial.
Kid gloves < - > 07/10 21:42:39
"You wouldn't hear their cries. We will." That fucking garbage?
Imagine the confidence they expressed as they planned the Holocaust and the devistation of Europe. The laughs. The delight.
When the misery inflicted got to the point they were crying for their mothers is when you would have stopped. I would have taken them past that point.
And just because the disfavored have lost you pull out your kid gloves. For some, especially when speaking of this scope, it would not matter to me.
I would horribly disfigure them emotionally for the rest of their existance.
Kid gloves.
Those fucking monsters who ruined life on Planet Earth and planned WorldWarII have no hope to ascend and you didn't wear kid gloves when dealing with them.
Didn't hold back on me.
Ruined life on Planet Earth. America, Europe, Asia. Fucking everything.
Life is cheap < - > 07/10 21:50:07
"SCREAMING for his mother." Screaming says something.
I'd bring that down to a whimper.
I wish I could have played a part in hurting those animals.
Life IS cheap. You're all coming back.
Most of you are not making progress and won't for the rest of your lives. This makes up the majority of the population, even considering the Situation effect of the REAL Second Coming. They are better off dead.
The hope is you will be reincarnated into a life with a better chance to progress, but more important is returning not only in the wake of the Situation but also prior to further societal decay we are experiencing as time passes.
Good examples would be meth, how 20 years after the scourge in California it spread to middle America in the Midwest. Another would be homosexuality.
Being homosexual in the Midwest was not acceptable just a short time ago, but with the spread of the social poison we have experienced for decades in California it eventually spread to the rest of the country. Now young people who otherwise may not embrace this pro-homosexual value system recently have, achieving a downgrade that will build into a creschendo.
Oscar Grant protests. I didn't do it.
Actually the fat Metro driver who passed out pulling into the station and crashed into the Metro ahead of him was the exclamation point I wasn't going to work for MUNI. I suspect Oscar Grant was the same.
Raiders of the Lost Arc.
"These movies all came out during your impressionable years for a reason." I'm sure I don't know why.
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