Yikes, Dude: Dianetics vs. Rolling Stone

Janet Whatshername (left) scratches Kirstie Alley's eyes (right) out
Kristie Alley Slams Rolling Stone for Dissing Scientology
from BiggestStars

"Shame on you, Rolling Stone, for your slam piece on Scientology," the 55-year-old actress flames about Janet Reitman's recent 13,500-word report on the belief system founded by L. Ron Hubbard.
"Rolling Stone has been my favorite magazine since college, but come on — religion-bashing for the sake of sales? Yikes, dudes — your cool factor just dropped to Reader's Digest."

Reitman, who reportedly worked on the piece for nine months - with the cooperation of church officials - shot back: "Alley's letter perfectly exemplifies why the Church of Scientology has an image problem — rather than debate points of substance, its followers all too often veer into personal attacks."
"Alley is one of the church's most prominent and spiritually advanced members. Yet this is all she can think of to say? Yikes, indeed."

'That's! Why! You! Ex! Ist! Honey!'
'Don't! Call! Me! Honey! Fatso!' [Dramatic Reenactment]
Gee, another celebrity who does the Scientology thing. Is there something about being famous that leaves an empty void in your life that can only be filled by the souls of space aliens?
"Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name..."
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